Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Sunshine Rule

Every Sunday my amazing Grandpa Prolo sends us a little text with a lesson or a quote of inspiration. I loved this mornings text and I wanted to share it with everyone.
"Have the courage to make the RIGHT decisions"

"Be the best you know YOU SHOULD BE"

"Don't do anything in the dark that you would not want to see in the light"

This really made me think. And it reminded me of some advice I heard a few years ago. As I was struggling with an eating disorder a person I really admire told me to always act like I was constantly being watched. And that person is the Lord.

He is always watching us and is rooting us on. He is there when we are sick, sad or happy. The Lord is our biggest fan and wants us to succeed. To succeed we have to be the best we can be everyday!

We can improve little everyday and it always adds up. I love learning about the atonement  because its what we are here on earth to do. Learn and Improve.

Im grateful for my amazing family that inspires me everyday.

I hope you are having an amazing Sunday! Lets have the courage to be better than we are right now.

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