Sunday, August 17, 2014

about me.

I was sitting down thinking I was doing a back to school blog today.. yes im still in school.. blah. but I was reading one of my dear friends blog and she nominated me to do an about me blog so here we go..

Angel Blain! so weird callingher that haha. her blog is privet but here is the link THE BLAIN FAMILY

Here is what you got to do if you get lucky enough to be nominated/tagged to do this fun dealio :)

  • Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you
  • Post 11 facts about you
  • Answer 11 random question set by the blogger who nominated you
  • Nominate 5 bloggers with under 200 followers for the award
  • Write 11 questions for them to answer
  • Let the nominees know that you have nominated them

FUN Facts: 

1. When i met CJ 5 years ago I knew i was going to marry him and ive been OBSESSED with him ever since. 

2. Im crazy about anything relating to Slavic culture. Im trying to learn Russian. I make eastern European  foods. I pretty much am trying to become one. 

3. I LOVE COCONUT! It has become my obsession and craving anything with coconut in it. 

4.  I have been to almost every continent on the planet and I plan to go to every country in Europe, Im half way there. 
5. im very organized and a list person. everything has to be put in a certain spot and I have millions of lists everywhere.

6. Im grateful every day for all the SHIZZZ ive been through because is has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and my AMAZING Husband.

7. MAKEUP!! is my life. I crave it, I want it , i need it, 

8. did i mention i love my husband?

9. WAIT NO SHOES are my life... or makeup.. or BOTH!!! 

10. I dance.

11. Im truing into a softball wife and maybe will start a reality show about it. 

The Questions:

Favorite Childhood Memory
anything dance related. Either at THE DANCE CLUB or PCAD. Dancing and being with all my friends. 

Favorite Hobby
makeup. fitness. youtube.

When did you start blogging? A what is your most popular post
I think I started blogging in 09 ive deleted alot of them since I was kinda crazy! and my most popular post is my wedding post! DUHH see it here if you missed it You Are My Happy

Favorite Junk Food
ice cream. candy. anything really. its a problem

Favorite Healthy Food
Protein Pancakes! I make them every morning topped with fresh fruit. 

Where is the most amazing place you've ever been?
Oh gosh. Im a traveler and ive been to many amazing places around the world. But my heart belongs to Ukraine. Even though Prague is pretty BA 

How would you describe your style?
I have 2 looks. Fitness chic, Glamazon, im into monochromatic things that go with everything but look clean and polished. 

Favorite T.V Shows
as of now. Face Off, Duck Dynasty. The Big Bang and of course The Office. 

Do you watch youtube videos, and if so what are your favorite channels?
I LOVE YOUTUBE. im on it every morning..
My first Youtube channel 7 years ago was 
Michelle Phan and i still watch her to this day 
and you must watch 
Samika  they are my friends from high school and their videos are pretty amazing 

I have many others but those are my staples. 

What is the most rewarding part of blogging?
Being able to write about whatever I want that day. My blog is more then a journal is a picture of what I loved at that time and to share it with you.