Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beer Pong & Pure Randomness

This is a picutre of hannah fridge before the night got started! :)

Its 2:11 AM and I am WIDE awake people!! Hannah Sean Tony and I played a good ole fashion game of energy pong. yes i know super Mormon but still fun.... So here goes some random thoughts for tonight. Enjoy because i have no clue what these ten little Indians are going to type right now

1. whenever i cant sleep i make PowerPoint's about whatever. the first on is about ME with slides about dance shoes and the amazing Britney Spears. the second one is about my favorite movies. Since I don't know how to post a power point on this here blog i will list off my favorite movies too you!! YAY i know your so excited. these are listed in no particular order. Hangover (which you all should know is my favorite) Hello Dolly. just a classic. Some like it Hot! "I wanna be loved by you just you no body else will do" if you haven't seen Some like it hot you should. In short its a movie about two men that witness a gang shooting and run away to Florida and become apart of an all women band. while singing side by side with the GORGEOUS Marilyn Monroe. It is black and white but its so cute and just a classic family fun movie. Finding nemo. Clueless. When i was little i always wanted Cher Hair that was just long and straight that i could run my fingers threw and it would fall perfectly into place. and my dream car is a white jeep just like the one Cher has in the movie. and lets see what else. I dont know i cant think right now :) my mind is running a million miles per hour.

2. I just have to give a shout out to Tony Sean and Hannah. these cats are just great. I can always expect a good time with these people. The stories we share the laughs the tears. Its just always a good time and i love those people.

3. Joshua Punderson needs to come to Utah asap

4. Shnikies this is a long one

5. thats what she said

6. The office just isnt as good as it used to be. "Mint" Chocolate Chip" - thats for you Robert Lucas the third

7. I cant get the Two by Two song out of my head

8. I have to pee.... brb

9. I forgot i put my laundry basket in my bathroom and i tripped over it. FAIL

10. My head hurts

11. Is this real life

12. I enjoy me some GLEE

11. haha i just typed 11 when it should be 13

13. Im Binging pictures of "random thoughts" for this blog and a pineapple showed up haha

14. I wanna go to Hawaii

15. If your still reading this then your a stud

16. welp my brain just kinda stoped

17 have you ever just looked at your facebook chat to see who is online then when you saw someone you like or wanna talk to is online you just pray they will start to instant chat with you..?? ya me neither

18. body painting is nuts

- oh C Led just texted me!!!

19. the voice is a really good show

20. if your still reading this than you need a life as much as i do :)

well im kinda done typing even though there is more going on in the old noggin but i hope you enjoyed my rambling tonight

it is now 2:39 am

god speed.... my the force be with you... camera one camera two...

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